Limited edition prints size 90 x 135, 70 x 105 or 50 x 75 cm
Our memory is not a hard disk. We remember only what is important to us, what has repeated many times and is accompanied by intense feelings. And from the way we feel and behave, what we get in this or that situation, our strategy and idea of ​​how this world is arranged and who we are in it is formed. In fact, we need memory not to remember the past, but to create our future.
In recent years, we have repeatedly seen that Terrorism is Okay! That you can do business with terrorists, make agreements. Of course, according to the principles of Win-Win, as highly effective people from disadvantaged families do. So, friends, if you haven't already, stock up on popcorn and set up your basement or bomb shelter. Let's make it into the future together! It is waiting for us with traditional weapons that have been proven over the years, and with brand new technologies. There is a lot of "interesting" there, you will never get bored.
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